My Heart Matters - Part 1 - Seeing with Your Heart

SERMON TOPIC: My Heart Matters - Part 1 - Seeing with Your Heart

Speaker: Des Burrows

Language: ENGLISH

Date: 16 September 2012

Topic Groups: THE HEART

Sermon synopsis: “Dazed and Confused”
The perfect description of our lives!
And we have NO IDEA
Who we are?
Why we are here?
What’s happened to us?
or Why this has happened to us?
Has God abandoned us?

Did we not pray enough?
Is it because of sin in our lives?
Is this “my lot in life” and I just have to accept it?
I have sort council and was told – “just suck it up”

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- All sermons by Des Burrows

- All sermons on THE HEART

- All sermons in ENGLISH
