The person of Christ

SERMON TOPIC: The person of Christ

Speaker: John Tait

Language: ENGLISH

Date: 25 October 1998

Topic Groups: JESUS

Sermon synopsis: Rev 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.

Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Rev John Tait and his wife Elsie from the Assemblies of God in Scotland were missionaries to Africa.
As youngsters John and Elsie were converted under the ministry of Tom Beckett: Elsie in Paisley and John in Cairnbulg, Scotland. With an impeccable Pentecostal pedigree, their aspiration was for overseas service. Elsie trained in general nursing and midwifery while John graduated in pharmacy, supplemented with a diploma in theology.
When David Newington, Executive Director of Emmanuel Press, introduced ‘Lifeline to Africa’ project at the Assemblies of God Conference, there was an immediate witness of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of both that this was the will of God for them. As the first ‘Lifeliners’, John and Elsie with their 3 young children left for South Africa in 1967, tentatively for a period of 2 years which, by the grace of God, was extended to 12 years! In that ‘apartheid’ era John was obliged to resist the politically correct agenda and befriend the African constituency by regular visits to the townships with practical help and literature evangelism sponsored by Emmanuel Press.
After such a long period in Africa, it was an emotional wrench to depart from the ‘rainbow nation’ and a decided culture shock to adapt to the British way of life again.
For over 25 years they have been happily engaged in pastoral ministry with the Assemblies of God in Scotland and England.

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