The Great Commission - Part 7 - Trends and opportunities

SERMON TOPIC: The Great Commission - Part 7 - Trends and opportunities

Speaker: Gavin Paynter

Language: ENGLISH

Date: 26 August 2018


Sermon synopsis: TREND 1: MIGRATION
In the past you had to go to a foreign country to be a missionary to other people groups. Now many of those people groups are coming to us. “Go into all the world” includes evangelising when the whole world comes to us e.g. the day of Pentecost.
South Africa’s urbanisation trends are far higher than that of the African continent’s average. It is now more urbanised than rural. From only around 43% in 1950, by mid-2014 64.3% of the population were living in urban areas. Because there is a higher percentage of Christians living in cities, urbanisation is actually good for evangelism and missions. In the past you had to go to the rural areas to reach the majority of the country’s population. Now many of those people groups are coming to the cities.

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