The secret of contentment

SERMON TOPIC: The secret of contentment

Speaker: Ken Paynter

Language: ENGLISH

Date: 2 June 2024


Sermon synopsis: A man once went to a minister for counselling. He was amid a financial collapse. 'I've lost everything,' he moaned.
'Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your faith.'
'No,' the man corrected him, 'I haven't lost my faith.'
'Well, then I'm sad to hear that you've lost your character.'
'I didn't say that' he corrected. 'I still have my character.'
'I'm sorry to hear that you've lost your salvation.'
'That's not what I said,' the man objected. 'I haven't lost my salvation.'
'You have your faith, your character, your salvation. Seems to me,' the minister observed, 'that you've lost none of the things that really matter.'

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