BOOK - God grows an Onion
SERMON TOPIC: BOOK - God grows an Onion
Speaker: Maureen Onions
Language: ENGLISH
Date: 1 January 1996
Sermon synopsis: How do you hear from God? Does God speak to ordinary people today? Can you know the will of God in your life? In what way does God reveal things to a person? Can anyone have an intimate relationship with God? These are some of the many questions that have arisen from Maureen’s first book called “God peels an onion”. This has resulted in this book “God grows an onion” being written, where once again you may find yourself laughing and crying as the Holy Spirit answers these questions using Maureen’s experiences from her early years. As a result you will find yourself being drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus as you make yourself available to Him for the plans He has for your life. David and Maureen Onions were a ministry team whose gifts uniquely blended together. In obedience to the call of God in 1984 they stepped out of pastoral work into a full-time itinerant ministry. They travelled extensively around the world and were privileged to see the Holy Spirit move in a very powerful way. They were accredited ministers of the Assemblies of God in South Africa, but were released with the blessing of the movement to minister wherever doors were opened. They had a vision for unity and wholeness in the Body of Christ. As a result of their ministry, there are many all over the world who have experienced a new anointing from God.