

Speaker: Johnray Rennie

Language: ENGLISH

Date: 29 January 2017

Topic Groups: RUTH, TYPOLOGY

Sermon synopsis: Naomi had to be exiled in order to be redeemed.
What the law could not provide for Naomi – grace/love did (Naomi was not welcomed back when she first arrived).
Ruth does not replace Naomi – (the Church does not replace Israel).
Ruth learns of Boaz through Naomi – (Gentiles learn of Jesus through Jewish writers).
But, Naomi meets Boaz through Ruth – (Jews converting in the end times).
No matter how much Boaz desires Ruth – Ruth had to approach him.
Boaz becomes Ruth’s kinsman redeemer and advocate even though she is a Gentile.
There are seven Gentile brides in the bible – none of their deaths are recorded – our hope.
The book of Ruth is read by the Jews on Pentecost – completing the theme of the harvest.
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