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True Repentance - Part 3
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 29 May 2022
Synopsis: True repentance is a gift of God. Acts 5:31. Repentance follows Godly sorrow. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. Humility accompanies true repentance. Job 42:1-6. A hatred of sin accompanies true repentance......
True Repentance - Part 2
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 15 May 2022
Synopsis: True repentance is a gift of God. Acts 5:31. Repentance follows Godly sorrow. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. Humility accompanies true repentance. Job 42:1-6. A hatred of sin accompanies true repentance......
True Repentance - Part 1
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 1 May 2022
Synopsis: - True repentance is a gift of God. Acts 5:31. - Repentance follows Godly sorrow. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. - Humility accompanies true repentance. Job 42:1-6.
Saving Faith
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 24 March 2019
Synopsis: You are saved by faith.  You cannot be saved by works. Romans 4:1-5 NKJV What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the.....
FIRST PRINCIPLES- 1b - Repentance from Dead Works
Sermon by Steve Maritz on 7 October 2018
Synopsis: Hebrews 6:1 “... the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.”
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 20 August 2017
Synopsis: True repentance is a gift of God. ---- Acts 5:31. Repentance follows Godly sorrow. ---- 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. Humility accompanies true repentance. ---- Job 42:1-6. A hatred of sin accompanies.....
The foundational doctrine of repentance
Sermon by David Khoza on 12 October 2016
Synopsis: Ephesians 2:19-22(NIV) 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the.....
Sermon by David Makiyi on 18 October 2015
Synopsis: SIN is transgression of the law 1 John 3:4 Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God's law, because sin is a breaking of the law. SIN is unbelief Roman 14:23 But if they have doubts about what.....
Sermon by Richard Bandawo on 26 February 2012
Synopsis: The word “repentance "means a “change of mind.”The Bible clearly teaches that repentance is necessary for salvation. Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in.....
Godly sorrow
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 26 September 2011
Synopsis: 2 Cor 7:8 Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it - I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while - 9 yet now I am happy, not because you.....
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 16 September 2011
Synopsis: John 8:3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of.....
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 31 January 2010
Synopsis: What is repentance? The Latin translation (the Vulgate) used a word for repentance that has the connotation of being sorry. But the original New Testament Greek work “Metanoia” for repentance means.....
Sins Transgressions and Iniquity
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 26 January 1997
Synopsis: Some focus only on God’s forgiveness at the expense of holiness. When certain portions of truth are extracted at the expense of the whole truth, it leads us into error. Jesus didn’t only die.....
Hardened hearts
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 2 February 1996
Synopsis: People have this imagery from Rev 3:20 that Jesus will knock on the door of your heart your whole life until you finally respond. But beware you don’t open the door to find He’s no longer there......
1ST PRINCIPLES - 01 Repentance from Dead Works
Sermon by Warren Paynter on
Synopsis: 1ST PRINCIPLES - 01 Repentance from Dead Works.