Answering the unbeliever - Part 4a
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 11 October 2020
Synopsis: Those who deny God’s existence must invent explanations for the origin of life on earth.
- Life on earth spontaneously willed itself into existence out of nothing.
- The inert elements that.....
Answering the unbeliever - Part 3
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 27 September 2020
Synopsis: Why is there evil in the world if God is good?
Atheists, skeptics and other critics of Christianity often argue against God on the basis of the reality of evil and suffering. “See,” they say,.....
Answering the unbeliever - Part 2
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 13 September 2020
Synopsis: Common questions asked when a Christian is confronted by a staunch unbeliever.
Can the Bible be trusted?
Isn’t a good life sufficient enough to get to Heaven?
Answering the unbeliever - Part 1
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 8 March 2020
Synopsis: Common questions asked when a Christian is confronted by a staunch unbeliever.
1) What about the heathen who haven’t heard the Gospel?
2) What about the sincere Buddhist, Hindu etc?
Outreach and Evangelism
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 2 February 2020
Synopsis: The root of the word evangelism, evangel, is derived from the Greek word euangelion which is translated good news. From that same word, we derive the word gospel. Many words in English are.....