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M5-CH12-14 - Church polity - Apostles and prophets
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 30 October 2020
Synopsis: IS THE CHURCH LED BY APOSTLES AND PROPHETS OR BY ELDERS AND DEACONS? There are still some Charismatic churches who propagate the teaching that the end-time church should be led by apostles and.....
Prayer and the name of Jesus
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 5 August 2019
Synopsis: Certain things that have crept into the Church that have corrupted and mystified prayer and Spiritual Warfare and made our prayer lives ineffective. - Traditions - Vain repetitions - Formulas or.....
False prophets and fake Christianity
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 10 March 2019
Synopsis: Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. South Africa has in recent months seen an increase.....
Should Christians celebrate Christmas - Part 2
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 3 February 2019
Synopsis: Some feel that it is unimportant (or even sinful) to celebrate Christ’s birthday at all. Other arguments used by anti-Christmas proponents are: - Christians never observed Christmas until the 4th.....
Should Christians celebrate Christmas - Part 1
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 20 January 2019
Synopsis: Some feel that it is unimportant (or even sinful) to celebrate Christ’s birthday at all. The argument used by anti-Christmas proponents is normally: - The Bible is silent on the date of Jesus.....
Truth and deception
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 8 October 2017
Synopsis: Any Christian who is not on their guard can be deceived. 2 Cor 11:3-4 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your.....
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 9 April 2017
Synopsis: There are different models or Atonement theories. Some of these views are not necessarily mutually exclusive and are simply equally valid images of the same event. One reason for the various.....
Calvinism and Arminianism - Part 6a - The atonement
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 22 January 2017
Synopsis: One early theory of the atonement is called the Ransom Theory. It was propagated particularly in the work of Origen. The idea is that the death of Christ was a ransom sacrifice in satisfaction for.....
Statement of faith - Part 2
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 20 November 2016
Synopsis: A brief overview of our Statement of Faith.
Calvinism and Arminianism - Part 1
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 11 October 2015
Synopsis: Calvinism and Arminianism are two systems of theology which attempt to explain the relationship between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility with regards to salvation. - The Calvinist.....
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 15 February 2015
Synopsis: Jeremiah 5:31 The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end? Without wanting to take away from the.....
Generational and bloodline curses
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 21 July 2013
Synopsis: Let us now look at blood line curses and generational curses. Deuteronomy 5:9. is where the root of this issue starts and it’s also mentioned in Exodus 20. Both of these are accounts of the Ten.....
Counterfeit Christianity
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 14 July 2013
Synopsis: Galatians 3:6-10 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel which is really no gospel at all......
Counterfeit Christianity
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 7 July 2013
Synopsis: Galatians 3:6-10 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel which is really no gospel at all......
False Christianity
Sermon by Des Burrows on 11 November 2012
Synopsis: Jeremiah 7:2-3 (NIV) “‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship the Lord. 3 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your.....
Heresy and how it affects us
Sermon by Johnray Rennie on 13 May 2012
Synopsis: Matt 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Ezek 3:17 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel;.....
Should Christians celebrate Christmas
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 11 December 2011
Synopsis: Some feel that it is unimportant (or even sinful) to celebrate Christ’s birthday at all. The arguments used by anti-Christmas proponents are normally: - The Bible is silent on the date of Jesus.....
Deception - Exchanging the truth for a lie
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 26 September 2011
Synopsis: Rom 1:25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful.....
Miracles, Signs, Wonders and Healing
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 26 September 2011
Synopsis: While the Scriptures teach about miracles, signs and wonders they must be kept in perspective. The cross must always be foremost because signs and wonders don't change hard hearts. An overemphasis.....
Baptism - Part 3 - Baptismal regeneration
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 1 May 2011
Synopsis: Baptismal Regeneration is the idea that water baptism is essential for salvation. It is one of the earliest heresies to enter the church as early as the 2nd century. The belief in baptismal.....
Baptism - Part 2 - Immersion or sprinkling
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 17 April 2011
Synopsis: Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words defines 'baptizo' as "immersion, submersion and emergence". Hence to speak of "baptism by sprinkling" is really an oxymoron (something that's.....
Baptism - Part 1 - Believers baptism vs Infant baptism (Christening)
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 10 April 2011
Synopsis: Does the Bible teach infant baptism (Christening or paedo-baptism) or believers baptism (Credo-baptism)? Where did the practice of giving names at christening come from? Why were the credo-baptists.....
What God do you serve
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 9 December 2007
Synopsis: What God do we serve Gal 4:8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you know God - or rather are known by God - how is it that.....
The Trinity
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 20 August 2006
Synopsis: What is the trinity and where did the word come from? Do Christians believe in one God or three? What did the early church in the first 3 centuries after Christ believe about this? What prompted the.....
The Gospel of Accommodation
Sermon by David Wilkerson on 3 March 1998
Synopsis: Accommodate means to adapt, to make suitable and acceptable, to make convenient. A gospel of accommodation is creeping into the US. It's an American cultural invention to appease the lifestyle of.....
Battling the billows
Sermon by Leston Blackburn on 21 May 1995
Synopsis: We’ve seen such a flood of false doctrine coming into the Church that sometimes Christians battle to discern between truth and error. How do we battle these winds of doctrine that sweep through the.....
Winds of doctrine- The Toronto blessing
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 14 May 1995
Synopsis: Doctrine is important - but you can have the right doctrine and the wrong spirit. Many attempts to correct doctrine are done in an obnoxious and sarcastic manner. This is a look at ‘The Toronto.....
Beware of false doctrines
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 19 September 1993
Synopsis: Titus 1:6 An elder ... must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.