The Biblical God
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 15 December 2019
Synopsis: God’s Word tells us that believing in the real true God of the Bible is not enough to secure Salvation, let alone believing in some false god, or some non existent god, that is just the figment of.....
False prophets and fake Christianity
Sermon by Ken Paynter on 10 March 2019
Synopsis: Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
South Africa has in recent months seen an increase.....
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 21 September 2018
Synopsis: What does the Bible say about astrology, the zodiac and divination in general? What do we make of the Magi who saw Jesus' star in the East? Can the stars be used to foretell the future, or is this.....
The purpose of suffering - Part 2a
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 27 November 2017
Synopsis: Buddhism sees suffering as inevitable and without purpose. To escape it, we must cease to exist.
In contrast, Christianity sees suffering as inevitable, but as serving a divine purpose.
False gods
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 19 April 2015
Synopsis: Have you ever thought that the ten plagues that God poured out in judgement on Egypt seemed rather arbitrary? Why use frogs, a bloody river, flies and locusts? The Bible gives two clues as to the.....
Islam and Christianity - Part 2 - Infidels and Jews
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 13 April 2014
Synopsis: The Quran is sharply contrasted to the Bible when it comes to the status and treatment of infidels (i.e. non-believers) and other races (in particular Jews).
Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, was told by.....
Islam and Christianity (Part 1) - Status of women
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 9 March 2014
Synopsis: At face value, Islam appears to share common roots with both Judaism and Christianity. But the teachings of the Quran are sharply contrasted to the Bible when it comes to the status and treatment of.....
Doctrine of salvation - Part 2
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 15 September 2013
Synopsis: Christianity teaches that Jesus is not a mere man, a prophet, a guru or something similar, but the Saviour of the world, the only “name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts.....
Resurrection of Jesus - Part 1
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 29 March 2013
Synopsis: False religions and cults follow people who are dead, or who will be dead one day. Communists revere and follow dead dictators
who murdered millions when they were alive. Animists pray to their.....
Seek the Lord
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 22 December 2007
Synopsis: Why should we seek the Lord now? What is the difference between a diligent and a superficial seeker? Can we seek God in our own way - and on our own terms? What is the nature of false religion? What.....
Do Muslims worship the same God as Christians
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 13 May 2007
Synopsis: Are Allah and Yahweh one and the same? Do Muslims accept Jesus' claims about his deity and resurrection? Was Muhammad influenced by the Bible or by heretical Gnostic sources?
Did Jesus and Muhammad.....
The da Vinci code exposed
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 20 August 2006
Synopsis: The Da Vinci code - FICTION BASED ON FICTION.
In this revival of the old 2nd and 3rd century Gnostic heresy, Dan Brown presents a new, yet old, conspiracy theory. How do scholars of history,.....
Who do men say I am
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 5 June 2005
Synopsis: Who do you say Jesus is? Was Jesus a great prophet or did he claim to be more than this?
Why is the question that Jesus asked his disciples at Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16) the most important.....
A powerful delusion
Sermon by Gavin Paynter on 25 November 2001
Synopsis: Satan's 2 old lies from the Garden have been perpetuated in all false religion including the New Age and cults (1) "You shall be as God" (the deity of man) and (2) "You shall not surely die".....
The Gospel of Accommodation
Sermon by David Wilkerson on 3 March 1998
Synopsis: Accommodate means to adapt, to make suitable and acceptable, to make convenient. A gospel of accommodation is creeping into the US. It's an American cultural invention to appease the lifestyle of.....