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Sermons by: DES BURROWS

Des Burrows
Parable of the talents
Sermon by Des Burrows on 18 June 2023
Synopsis: Are you investing your gifts and talents in the kingdom of God?
i4118 Foundation
Sermon by Des Burrows on 24 June 2018
Synopsis: Presentation on the work of the i4118 Foundation.
A Man Named NOT SURE
Sermon by Des Burrows on 11 June 2017
Synopsis: John 20:24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them,.....
A man named Deceived
Sermon by Des Burrows on 16 April 2017
Synopsis: Matthew 13:34-35 (HCSB) Jesus told the crowds all these things in parables, and He would not speak anything to them without a parable, so that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled:.....
The Parable of the TWO sons – Part 2
Sermon by Des Burrows on 22 September 2013
Synopsis: “What was he listening to that made him decide to do what he did?” And the key for us, Christians, is getting God’s word into our inner being. Because what we listen to enters the mind and give.....
The parable of the TWO sons
Sermon by Des Burrows on 15 September 2013
Synopsis: This parable is one of the best known stories that Jesus told. It is a story about coming home. - Of repentance and reformation. - Of return and forgiveness. - Of acceptance and restoration. - Of.....
Living with a Focussed Goal
Sermon by Des Burrows on 8 September 2013
Synopsis: Setting goals for life is one thing that people just do not do. They let “Life Happen” And then wonder why when they have reached 60 that they have achieved nothing. I don’t know how many people.....
Ministers of Freedom
Sermon by Des Burrows on 1 September 2013
Synopsis: God, by His Spirit has made us competent. And this competence makes us Ministers of the new covenant. We are Minsters of FREEDOM
Determined Faith
Sermon by Des Burrows on 25 August 2013
Synopsis: God does not respond to our needs; He responds to our faith. Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) 6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a.....
God is able
Sermon by Des Burrows on 18 August 2013
Synopsis: “In other words, we live by what we believe, NOT by what we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell” He also said this. ”Everything that goes against God’s Word is subject to change. Only His word is.....
God talk without God acts
Sermon by Des Burrows on 4 August 2013
Synopsis: The simple and truthful conclusion is that what we do with the cross determines where we’ll spend eternity. However the way we live as believers determines how we’ll spend it.
Vision Sunday – Nothing will be the same
Sermon by Des Burrows on 21 July 2013
Synopsis: Acts 13:36 As David was called so You are called to serve God’s purpose in your generation. Our Vision God has called us to: Build His Church (This is not a building it is His people) .....
Des Burrows Facilitates - Open Forum
Sermon by Des Burrows on 7 July 2013
Synopsis: Open Mic for members to voice their hearts
I have chosen you
Sermon by Des Burrows on 23 June 2013
Synopsis: John 15:16 (NIVUK) 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will.....
The Real thing
Sermon by Des Burrows on 16 June 2013
Synopsis: A Look at an AUTHENTIC Christian 1 Thessalonians 1 (NIVUK) 2 We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. 3 We remember before our God and Father your work.....
Who the heck was Stephen
Sermon by Des Burrows on 2 June 2013
Synopsis: Our history is full of men and women that have made some contribution to history whether positive or negative
The Effective Church Part 4 - Inspiring Peoples Faithfulness
Sermon by Des Burrows on 26 May 2013
Synopsis: “Faithfulness is not doing something right once but doing something right over and over and over and over.” Joyce Meyer. ---- “Success certainly isn’t achievement of popularity. Success in God’s.....
The Effective Church – Part 3 . Accepting the Holy Spirits Anointing
Sermon by Des Burrows on 19 May 2013
Synopsis: To be a GREAT Church our focus needs to change. We have to be Holy Spirit empowered! Why because God works through His Holy Spirit. God gets us to do things that please Him through His Holy.....
The Effective Church - My Decision to accept Christ’s Purpose
Sermon by Des Burrows on 5 May 2013
Synopsis: LUKE 9:23 (NASB) 23 And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me
The Effective Church Part 2
Sermon by Des Burrows on 26 April 2013
Synopsis: Part 2. - “Great churches are built on God’s Promises - Christ’s Purposes – The Holy Spirit’s Anointing – and Peoples Faithfulness”. Brian Houston
The Effective church
Sermon by Des Burrows on 14 April 2013
Synopsis: “Great churches are built on God’s Promises - Christ’s Purposes – The Holy Spirit’s Anointing – and Peoples Faithfulness”. (Brian Houston)
Give me an undivided heart
Sermon by Des Burrows on 3 March 2013
Synopsis: Psalm 86 vs 11 Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart,
Des Burrows Facilitates open forum for Congregation
Sermon by Des Burrows on 19 February 2013
Synopsis: Open forum for Congregation.
Is Jesus an INTRUSION in your life
Sermon by Des Burrows on 3 February 2013
Synopsis: Like oxygen gives us life we need Jesus DAILY to give us life. John 15:5 (NIV) 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me.....
Limiting Jesus
Sermon by Des Burrows on 27 January 2013
Synopsis: In this life we have many rules that have either been set by parents, teachers and the government. And it is because we are of this world that we bring these rules into the church and into our.....
Its all about choice
Sermon by Des Burrows on 20 January 2013
Synopsis: The Bible teaches us that we cannot serve two masters. • God gave us free will; • God gave us choice; • God gave us free will in order for us to freely love Him and worship Him. God has.....
When Jesus Fasts
Sermon by Des Burrows on 13 January 2013
Synopsis: What can we learn from His example? Luke 4 (NIV) 1Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil......
Fast 2013
Sermon by Des Burrows on 30 December 2012
Synopsis: Acts 13:36 As David was called so You are called to serve God’s purpose in your generation. Is fasting necessary for today’s Christian church? Biblical fasting is a spiritual discipline which was.....
Christmas - The Gifts of God
Sermon by Des Burrows on 25 December 2012
Synopsis: James 1:17 (NIV) 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. In the days of the Bible, times of.....
Sermon by Des Burrows on 23 December 2012
Synopsis: John 21:10 Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught." 11 So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with.....
In this season – God is just
Sermon by Des Burrows on 16 December 2012
Synopsis: Some might think – How can God be just if HE allows the awful things that are happening in the world today! 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 (NIV) 6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who.....
In this season - God is here
Sermon by Des Burrows on 9 December 2012
Synopsis: Emmanuel or Imanu'el, "God is with us" Is a symbolic name which appears in chapters 7 and 8 of the Book of Isaiah as part of a prophecy assuring king Ahaz of Judah of God's protection against.....
In this season _ God is faithful!
Sermon by Des Burrows on 2 December 2012
Synopsis: The Christmas Season, The “Silly” Season, Whatever you call it. It is once again upon us. And this is a time when people feel left out, alone and lost.What is noticeable is that overindulgence is.....
So its Christmas
Sermon by Des Burrows on 25 November 2012
Synopsis: “Tis the season to be Jolly” Or is it? Have you ever wondered what Christmas is all about? I believe that we are far to accepting of what the world has to offer! I believe that 99% of Christians.....
The peace of God
Sermon by Des Burrows on 18 November 2012
Synopsis: The hurts, pressures, and disappointments of this life can weigh down your heart. Come see how the peace of God can bring you back to great emotional victory. Philippians 4:7 (NIV) 7 And the.....
False Christianity
Sermon by Des Burrows on 11 November 2012
Synopsis: Jeremiah 7:2-3 (NIV) “‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship the Lord. 3 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your.....
Six Significant Qualities
Sermon by Des Burrows on 21 October 2012
Synopsis: Daniel 5:25-28 (NIV) The Writing on the Wall 25 “This is the inscription that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN 26 “Here is what these words mean: Mene: God has numbered the days of your.....
My Heart Matters - Part 4 - Restoring the Heart
Sermon by Des Burrows on 7 October 2012
Synopsis: "I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh ... they will be My people, and I will be their God.".....
My Heart Matters - Part 3
Sermon by Des Burrows on 30 September 2012
Synopsis: The Heart is Central. SCRIPTURE overwhelmingly states that OUR heart is CENTRAL to our walk with God. The fact that we need to be reminded about this just shows how powerful the spell of worldliness.....
My Heart Matters - Part 2 - You have a crucial part to play
Sermon by Des Burrows on 23 September 2012
Synopsis: If we are to live our lives as a testimony to the Eternal God then we need to see His purposes clearly. Jeremiah 31:2-3 (MSG) This is the way GOD put it: "They found grace out in the desert, these.....
My Heart Matters - Part 1 - Seeing with Your Heart
Sermon by Des Burrows on 16 September 2012
Synopsis: “Dazed and Confused” The perfect description of our lives! And we have NO IDEA Who we are? Why we are here? What’s happened to us? or Why this has happened to us? Has God abandoned us? .....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 10
Sermon by Des Burrows on 19 August 2012
Synopsis: Is there anything wrong with desire? What's the difference between desire and covetousness? Ex 20:17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 9
Sermon by Des Burrows on 15 July 2012
Synopsis: Matthew 12:33-37 (NIV) 33 “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. 34 You brood of vipers, how can you who.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 8
Sermon by Des Burrows on 8 July 2012
Synopsis: 99.9% of people, even those sitting here today have all stolen. Everyone of us, at one time or another, Has taken what was not given Lifted something that was not purchased Owned something.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 7
Sermon by Des Burrows on 24 June 2012
Synopsis: Matthew 5:27-29 (NIV) 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 6
Sermon by Des Burrows on 17 June 2012
Synopsis: Matthew 5:21-22 (NIV) “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’  BUT I tell you that anyone who is.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 5
Sermon by Des Burrows on 10 June 2012
Synopsis: Matthew 15:3-7 (NIV) 3 Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For God said, ‘Honour your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 4
Sermon by Des Burrows on 3 June 2012
Synopsis: Matt 12: 7 If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent. 8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” We live in the age of.....
Sermon by Des Burrows on 27 May 2012
Synopsis: A Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost on the apostles
Living In Jesus' Name Part 3
Sermon by Des Burrows on 13 May 2012
Synopsis: From profanity to paise. THEME: You shall not misuse the Lord's name.
Godly Relationships - “The Value of 24 Hours”
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 May 2012
Synopsis: The greatest thing is to be found at one's post as a child of God, is living each day as though it were our last, but planning as though our world might last a hundred years. -- C. S. Lewis
Living In Jesus' Name Part 2
Sermon by Des Burrows on 29 April 2012
Synopsis: In the 1st Commandment we learnt that: It is wrong to allow any created thing, including human beings, to become more important to us than our Creator. In the 2nd Commandment we will learn.....
Living In Jesus' Name Part 1
Sermon by Des Burrows on 22 April 2012
Synopsis: If we want God to be real to us – we need to understand His character: And when we understand His character and yield to the only true and SOVEREIGN God? God can create in us that same.....
In Jesus' name
Sermon by Des Burrows on 25 March 2012
Synopsis: To ask for something (anything) in Jesus name - We have to live “In Jesus Name” Well - How do we do that? We have learnt that when we pray (ask) God the Father we need to pray (ask) in Jesus.....
What Jesus said
Sermon by Des Burrows on 18 March 2012
Synopsis: Jesus life is so significant; it divides our entire record of human history into two eras; before and after Christ. Jesus spent three years as an itinerant country teacher before being executed in.....
Wake Up O Sleeper - Arise from the Dead
Sermon by Des Burrows on 11 March 2012
Synopsis: Eph 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what.....
When Jesus Comes
Sermon by Des Burrows on 4 March 2012
Synopsis: Luke 18: 6-8 (NIV)  6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting.....
How to receive God's Blessing
Sermon by Des Burrows on 26 February 2012
Synopsis: Time and again I've heard people cry, "God hasn't blessed me. I ask Him for good things, but it doesn't help." Or they complain, "I try so hard to do the right things and to be a good Christian,.....
Godly Relationships - Effective Communication
Sermon by Des Burrows on 12 February 2012
Synopsis: A look at Communication and what the Bible says about this subject. We will also look at what the main elements of communication are. If you do research on the internet you will find a plethora of.....
Godly Relationships - The Grey Zone
Sermon by Des Burrows on 5 February 2012
Synopsis: 1 John 1:5-7 (NIV1984) 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the.....
Godly Relationships - “The Value of 24 Hours”
Sermon by Des Burrows on 29 January 2012
Synopsis: The greatest thing is to be found at one's post as a child of God, is living each day as though it were our last, but planning as though our world might last a hundred years. -- C. S. Lewis
Gods Favour
Sermon by Des Burrows on 22 January 2012
Synopsis: The Bible is rich in God’s promises. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 1 John 1:9 If we.....
Building Godly Relationships
Sermon by Des Burrows on 8 January 2012
Synopsis: Our ability to have good GODLY relationships is affected by how we value others.   So you can only build good relationships with people whom you come into contact with on a daily basis IF YOU.....
Free Chapel Vision - Looking ahead to Glorify God
Sermon by Des Burrows on 11 December 2011
Synopsis: Acts 13:36 As David was called so You are called to serve God’s purpose in your generation.
Dedication - Giving your children back to God
Sermon by Des Burrows on 4 December 2011
Synopsis: Have you ever given your children back to God? I’m not suggesting you return your kids to God because you can’t handle them. What I am asking is: Recognize that your children are a precious gift.....
The Wise and Foolish Builders
Sermon by Des Burrows on 27 November 2011
Synopsis: Matthew 7:24-27 (NIV1984) 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams.....
The heart of man
Sermon by Des Burrows on 20 November 2011
Synopsis: The Bible has much to say about the heart of man. The word “heart” in the New King James Version of the Bible is found 835 times in 775 verses. (Ref “E-Sword”.) God knows all of our hearts, I.....
Follow me - Come and See
Sermon by Des Burrows on 16 November 2011
Synopsis: In many large stores, employees are instructed to take customers to find what they are looking for rather than simply giving them verbal directions. Now the same can be true when someone enquires.....
Acts 2 - What Happened at Pentecost
Sermon by Des Burrows on 13 November 2011
Synopsis: 50 days after Easter Sunday - the day on which Jesus rose from the dead – all the Jews were gathered to celebrate the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) Acts 2:1 (NIV 1984) When the day of Pentecost.....
The fruit of the Holy Spirit
Sermon by Des Burrows on 9 October 2011
Synopsis: Fruit of the Holy Spirit is the descriptive name given by the Apostle Paul to a NINE Christ-like attributes of a true Christian life. In the Gospel of John 15:15-17, Jesus says, "I no longer call.....
Philippians 4 - Joy in Rewards
Sermon by Des Burrows on 11 September 2011
Synopsis: Philippians 4:8-9 (NIV) 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is.....
Philippians 3 - Joy in Fellowship
Sermon by Des Burrows on 4 September 2011
Synopsis: The fellowship Paul is referring to in fellowship in Christ. 1 Cor 1:9 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Philippians 2 - Joy in Service
Sermon by Des Burrows on 28 August 2011
Synopsis: Paul encourages in the chapter that: - Although Jesus is Lord of all He became a SERVANT to all. - We should follow His example. - Our ATTITUDE should be the same as that of Jesus. - And that.....
Philippians 1 - Joy in Living
Sermon by Des Burrows on 21 August 2011
Synopsis: QUESTION – Why a letter to the Philippian church? Paul had a vision – “Come over to Macedonia and help us” Acts 16:9 So Paul responds to the vision – READ Acts 16. And a couple of years later.....
Fan or follower
Sermon by Des Burrows on 13 August 2011
Synopsis: Ministry at the AGF ministers meeting. Jesus is not looking for fans but for followers. FANS like the idea of heaven, miracles, provision, entertainment and fellowship. But when Jesus is the.....
Giving - The Mark of a True Follower
Sermon by Des Burrows on 24 July 2011
Synopsis: NO! I am not talking about your money and YES! This is normally what is ministered when PROSPERITY preachers talk about giving. WHY? Because this world is driven by GREED so they try to tell you.....
For Me to Live I have to Die
Sermon by Des Burrows on 17 July 2011
Synopsis: Philippians 1:20-21 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death......
Not a Fan - Sermon 6 - Is Jesus enough
Sermon by Des Burrows on 10 July 2011
Synopsis: When Jesus is the "last resort" you find out if He is the One you were really hungry for. So the crowds following Him, after hearing the DTR talk, have to decide – Is Jesus enough? And what happens.....
Not a Fan - Sermon 5
Sermon by Des Burrows on 3 July 2011
Synopsis: READ John 8:1-11. We read about Jesus teaching in the courtyard one morning. His teaching is interrupted by an angry mob that bursts onto the scene. The mob is made up of the religious leaders of.....
Not a Fan - Sermon 4 - The comfortable cross
Sermon by Des Burrows on 26 June 2011
Synopsis: There is the danger that we will love COMFORT too much. And we bring this into our relationship with church and ultimately with God. Our Buildings are air conditioned. The chairs are padded and.....
Not a Fan - Sermon 3 - Choosing intimacy
Sermon by Des Burrows on 19 June 2011
Synopsis: You need to know the baby intimately to understand what it needs. And more than often it is the mother who knows. But you see it is a TWO WAY relationship. The Mother knows the Baby and the Baby.....
Not a Fan - Sermon 2 - Fan or follower
Sermon by Des Burrows on 12 June 2011
Synopsis: Luke 9:23 And He was saying to them all, “If ANYONE wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me”. (NASB)
Ephesians 6
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: The Armoury
Ephesians 2
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: THE AUDIENCE CHAMBER OF THE KING: A place where we come to meet the King
Ephesians 3
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: THE THRONE ROOM: Into the presence of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
Ephesians - Introduction - The Church of the Ephesians
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: The Church is made up of people "ecclesia" - called out ones. The Church is not a beautiful building. The Church is beautiful people in a building. So wherever the church meets the Spirit of God.....
Ephesians 5
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: The Choir and Oratory Room
Ephesians 4
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
Ephesians 1
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 June 2011
Synopsis: The Central Theme of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is: Ephesians 4:12-13 "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the.....
Not a Fan - Sermon 1 - Fan or follower
Sermon by Des Burrows on 5 June 2011
Synopsis: We are going to examine our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus. We have to DEFINE THE RELATIONSHIP! Quite simply we have to find out where we stand with Jesus. So begins an exciting time where we define our.....
Let us wake up to our purpose and objective
Sermon by Des Burrows on 5 March 2011
Synopsis: What is our purpose as the church? Our first objective is WORSHIP. Our second objective is INSTRUCTION. Our third objective is FELLOWSHIP. Our fourth objective is EXPRESSION.
Tree of Life
Sermon by Des Burrows on 13 February 2011
Synopsis: The Adansonia Digitata is found in the savannas of Africa, Australia and India, mostly around the equator. It can grow up to 25 meters tall and can live for several thousand years. It is leafless.....
A Successful Christian Life
Sermon by Des Burrows on 6 February 2011
Synopsis: This is the Surrendered Life. Surrender means to yield ownership, to relinquish control over what we consider ours: - our property - our time - our rights. When we surrender to God, we are.....
His Way
Sermon by Des Burrows on 23 January 2011
Synopsis: Sometimes I deviate from my planned route to work. But invariably the other route leads to even more problems. So I learn from my mistakes and go back to my planned route. And then wonder why I.....
Giving Generously
Sermon by Des Burrows on 16 January 2011
Synopsis: The whole topic of giving has been thrown on its head by the doctrine of Prosperity which says that when you give God has to give back. It places an expectation on the giver and when the expectation.....
Gods Heart - Gods Way - Gods Man
Sermon by Des Burrows on 9 January 2011
Synopsis: “I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart” But who was David that he receives such accolades? Why did the Lord say of him "...a man after my own heart"?
Fasting - The Biblical Perspective
Sermon by Des Burrows on 9 January 2011
Synopsis: According to the Bible, there are three duties of every Christian: give, pray and fast. Biblical fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength - strength which you can only receive from God. Your.....
How to avoid offensive conversation
Sermon by Des Burrows on 4 April 2010
Synopsis: What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth that is what makes him 'unclean.' Matthew 15:11 (NIV) The truth about the mouth: (1) It is the vehicle.....
Balance is the Key to Life
Sermon by Des Burrows on 10 November 2009
Synopsis: The question is – Where do you find your balance when confronted by the trials of life? Just as your health and well-being depend on balanced nutritional habits, your spiritual practices must be in.....
Our awesome God
Sermon by Des Burrows on 14 January 2001
Synopsis: We see in the book of Daniel how God in His sovereignty uses everyone to accomplish His divine purpose – even pagans. We look at the many moral challenges that Daniel and his friends faced and.....
The power of godliness
Sermon by Des Burrows on 30 August 1998
Synopsis: Just as David had was taunted by the giant Goliath, so the Church is taunted today by the world. Through the power of godliness, we too like David can overcome the giant.
Taking the next step
Sermon by Des Burrows on
Synopsis: Are you stuck in your first love or have you taken the next step? We are saved to serve, not only God – but others too. What can we learn from the story of the almond tree?