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Angelology and demonology
Author: Gavin David Paynter
Publication Date: April 17, 2020
Publisher: AGF Brakpan
Language: English
Genre: Christian Theology (Angelology & Demonology)
ISBN-13: 979-8638013226
Overview: Humans have long been fascinated by angels. What do they look like; are there any female angels? What are their powers and their role; can they appear and disappear at will? When were they created and how many angels are there? Do angels have their own language? Do they eat or sleep? What of the fallen angels? The current understanding many have of Satan's fall comes from medieval theology. But was there really a rebellion of angels before Eden (Genesis 3) recorded in the Bible, as many still teach? Or is it true that the only account of a past mass rebellion by angels occurs just before the Flood (Genesis 6) - in an event where Satan is not even mentioned as being involved? We will discover that the answers to these and many other questions about the spirit world are clearly laid out in Scripture.
Author: Gavin David Paynter
Publication Date: May 29, 2018
Publisher: AGF Brakpan
Language: English
Genre: Theology (Christian Eschatology)
ISBN-10: 1717102352
ISBN-13: 978-1717102355
Overview: This book is a study of the two women John presents us in the Book of Revelation. Is the heavenly woman the Church, Mary or Israel? Is her child Christ, the Church, Constantine or the 144,000 elect Jews? Is the harlot an apostate Church, Islam, apostate Judaism, the New Age religion, an ecumenical group or an alliance of false religions? Does the city she represents equate to Babylon in Iraq, Rome, Istanbul, Mecca, Dubai, London or New York? Views on the identity of the two women are primarily determined by the various approaches taken to prophecy - Preterist, Historicist or Futurist. They are further influenced by whether the expositor sits in the Catholic or Protestant camp. Opinions on the identity of the Second Woman are the most heated, due to the fact that many Protestants have seen in the harlot the embodiment of the Roman Catholic Church or at least the papacy in the Middle Ages.
Author: Gavin David Paynter
Publication Date: May 2, 2017
Publisher: AGF Brakpan
Language: English
Genre: Theology (Christian Eschatology)
ISBN-10: 1539626210
ISBN-13: 978-1539626213
Overview: With all the prophecies about the end times and the temple, the natural question is "which temple?" There is clearly no Jewish Temple in Jerusalem today. Of course, some Historicists will respond that the Abomination of Desolation is actually the pope who sits in a spiritual temple, which they claim is the apostate Church. And while Preterists will accept it as referring to the Jewish Temple, they will assign the event to the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple in the first century AD. The Futurist view is that it points to the desecration of a future Third Jewish Temple, which will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. In general, Christians who have a Dispensational view of prophecy also believe that a Third Jewish Temple will be built in order to fulfil Bible prophecy. They maintain that the intense longing of many Jews to rebuild their most sacred site will result in their desires coming to fruition in the near future. These pending events are intrinsically tied up with the events surrounding Christ's return predicted in the Bible. This book looks at these issues along with the prophecies surrounding the mysterious Eastern Gate.
Author: Gavin David Paynter
Publication Date: December 28, 2016
Publisher: AGF Brakpan
Language: English
Genre: Theology (Christian Eschatology)
ISBN-10: 1540390314
ISBN-13: 978-1540390318
Overview: What is the difference between Amillennialism, Postmillennialism and Premillennialism? What was the Millennial view of the apostles and Early Church Fathers and why did it seemingly change rather abruptly in the 4th and 5th centuries? What of Replacement Theology? Has God forsaken Israel and are all the promises to Israel fulfilled in the Church or do they have a separate irrevocable covenant with God? Should we have separation of Church and State and how is this idea influenced by one's Millennial view? Was Constantine a covert pagan who corrupted Christianity? Did he replace the Sabbath with Sunday worship and "invent" Easter and Christmas as holy days? Or - has he been the victim of a smear campaign and unfairly vilified? Is our modern society still improving as Postmillennialists say, or as Dominionists hope? Are we getting better and better every day in every way? Will the whole world be converted before Jesus comes or can we expect end-time apostasy? What is the lingering influence of the Latter Rain movement and its effect on Charismatic Dominion Theology? What is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and is it a Scriptural idea or was it a recent invention of John Nelson Darby? These and other issues are examined in this latest book in this series on Biblical prophecy.
Author: Gavin David Paynter
Publication Date: Augusr 20, 2015
Publisher: AGF Brakpan
Language: English
Genre: Theology (Christian Eschatology)
ISBN-10: 1517089166
ISBN-13: 978-1517089160
ASIN: B014854DKK
Overview: Is the antichrist Nero, the Pope, an American president, an Islamic leader, or a future political and religious leader of a revived Roman Empire? Is the mark of the beast (666) the certificate of sacrifice to the emperor, the practice of making the sign of the cross, an international Sunday law or a mark of commerce (most likely a credit facility in the form of a microchip implant or RFID tag)? These answers are determined by the view of prophecy held - Preterist, Historicist or Futurist. So it is imperative to first look briefly at these various approaches and then to examine how these influence the understanding of who or what Antichrist is, the meaning of the Mark of the Beast, the Abomination of Desolation and the timing of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. What might the mysterious references to the Nephilim, Watchers and Sons of God have to do with the coming Antichrist?
Author: Warren Paynter
Publication Date: February 28, 2012
Publisher: AGF Brakpan
Language: English
Genre: Theology (Christian Eschatology)
Overview: There are many ways in which Bible scholars approach the book of Revelation. Most approach it with the view that it is not to be taken literally at all. The historical school regards the book as being largely fulfilled. Others regard the book as being incomprehensible and that it is impossible to arrive at any understanding of the mysteries that it contains. Finally, there are those who regard the book as literal, and that most of it is prophetic, awaiting fulfillment at some future date. The approach to the interpretation of the book presented here is that it is literal, and most of it deals with future events.