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PS 84:1 To the Overseer. -- `On the Gittith By sons of Korah.-- A Psalm. How beloved Thy tabernacles, Jehovah of Hosts! PS 84:2 My soul desired, yea, it hath also been consumed, For the courts of Jehovah, My heart and my flesh cry aloud unto the living God, PS 84:3 (Even a sparrow hath found a house, And a swallow a nest for herself, Where she hath placed her brood,) Thine altars, O Jehovah of Hosts, My king and my God. PS 84:4 O the happiness of those inhabiting Thy house, Yet do they praise Thee. Selah. PS 84:5 O the happiness of a man whose strength is in Thee, Highways `arein their heart. PS 84:6 Those passing through a valley of weeping, A fountain do make it, Blessings also cover the director. PS 84:7 They go from strength unto strength, He appeareth unto God in Zion. PS 84:8 O Jehovah, God of Hosts, hear my prayer, Give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah. PS 84:9 Our shield, see, O God, And behold the face of Thine anointed, PS 84:10 For good `isa day in Thy courts, O Teacher! I have chosen rather to be at the threshold, In the house of my God, Than to dwell in tents of wickedness. PS 84:11 For a sun and a shield `isJehovah God, Grace and honour doth Jehovah give. He withholdeth not good To those walking in uprightness. PS 84:12 Jehovah of Hosts! O the happiness of a man trusting in Thee.