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1:1 Poul, apostle of Jhesu Crist, bi the wille of God, bi the biheest of lijf that is in Crist Jhesu, 1:2 to Tymothe, his moost dereworthe sone, grace, merci, and pees of God the fadir, and of Jhesu Crist, oure Lord. 1:3 I do thankyngis to my God, to whom Y serue fro my progenytouris in clene conscience, that with outen ceessyng Y haue mynde of thee in my preyeris, 1:4 niyt and dai, desirynge to se thee; hauynge mynde of thi teeris, that Y be fillid with ioye. 1:5 And Y bithenke of that feith, that is in thee not feyned, which also dwellide firste in thin aunte Loide, and in thi modir Eunyce. And Y am certeyn, that also in thee. 1:6 For which cause Y moneste thee, that thou reise ayen the grace of God, that is in thee bi the settyng on of myn hondis. 1:7 For whi God yaf not to vs the spirit of drede, but of vertu, and of loue, and of sobrenesse. 1:8 Therfor nyl thou schame the witnessyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, nether me, his prisoner; but trauele thou togidere in the gospel bi the vertu of God; 1:9 that delyueride vs, and clepide with his hooli clepyng, not after oure werkis, but bi his purpos and grace, that is youun in Crist Jhesu bifore worldli tymes; 1:10 but now it is opyn bi the liytnyng of oure sauyour Jhesu Crist, which destriede deth, and liytnede lijf and vncorrupcioun bi the gospel. 1:11 In which Y am set a prechour and apostle, and maistir of hethene men. 1:12 For which cause also Y suffre these thingis; but Y am not confoundid. For Y woot to whom Y haue bileuyd, and Y am certeyne that he is miyti for to kepe that is take to my keping in to that dai. 1:13 Haue thou the fourme of hoolsum wordis, whiche thou herdist of me in feith and loue in Crist Jhesu. 1:14 Kepe thou the good takun to thi kepyng bi the Hooli Goost, that dwellith in vs. 1:15 Thou wost this, that alle that ben in Asie ben turnyd awey fro me, of whiche is Figelus and Ermogenes. 1:16 The Lord yyue merci to the hous of Onesyforus, for ofte he refreischide me, and schamyde not my chayne. 1:17 But whanne he cam to Rome, he souyte me bisili, and foond. 1:18 The Lord yyue to hym to fynde merci of God in that dai. And hou grete thingis he mynystride to me at Effesi, thou knowist betere.